Monday, 11 August 2008

Wind down day

We had reached the summit of mont blanc a day early so the last official day of our trip was spent rock climbing at les gaillands. That night the entire team got together at the talisman base camp over at les moliasses campsite to celebrate the end of the trip. Ron and Fi topped up the glasses with a seemingly endless supply of sparkling wine before we headed down to the restaurant for pizza. Julie, her friend Nick and myself stuck it out and wandered into town to have a few laughs at a rolling stones tribute night.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Good to read your thoughts, experiences and see your Tunnocks cake.

I climbed well with the weasel sporadically in tow for a week, maybe see you Friday night at the 'Weasel Wedding', sounds like a scene from Toad of Toad Hall........
