Sunday 3 August 2008

The summit surprise

...Yes..the ridge was definately flattening out. Jonathan had said 'we are on the final straight' around fifteen minutes ago but we were still walking and there had been no further announcements on how close we were. By now the ridge was very nearly level and we were approaching a small number of people. Was this the summit??? Jonathan turned round deadpan and without cracking a smile said "Well...You won't get any higher than this!". He started cackling out loud and we all erupted and grabbed each other in a three way group hug. We had arrived and the swine had tried to catch us by surprise and he had succeeded in doing just that. In the happy melee that followed I gave Jonathan another half hug / handshake and thanked him for getting us there. I remember he said 'very well done to you both' then he said 'you both did very well'. Julie got another hug and we congratulated each other whilst smiling the whole while. Jonathan sat and admired the view. He said that he had never seen conditions as good as this on the top of mont blanc. You could have sunbathed on the summit. I surveyed the panorama around us. They views were the best I had seen in my life. The usual summit photos followed and some high jinx with video clips as well. A few folk followed on at our back and celebrated by flopping down onto the snow. I made sure I found what I considered to be the highest part of the snowy ridge as I really wanted to make sure I had really stood on the true summit of the mountain. Silly I know.

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